- Suction pipe, foot valve choked.
- Suction pipe not sufficiently submerge.
- Incorrect Layout of Suction Line.
- Valve in the suction line not fully open.
- Joints in the suction line not leak-proof.
- Air leaking through the Suction line & Stuffing Box.
- Suction lift too high.
- Delivery liquid contains too much gas and/or alr.
- Delivery liquid too viscous.
- Insufficient venting.
- Number of revolutions too high.
- Impeller clogged.
- Separation of crystals from the flow of pumping liquid
- Lantern Ring in Stuffing box is not positioned below the sealing liquid inlet.
- Packing not suitable for operating conditions.
- Pump unsuitable for parallel operation.
- Type of pump unsuitable.
- Incorrect choice of pump for existing operating conditions.
- Temperature of delivery liquid too high.